TKT Newsletter May 2020
Newsletter May 2020
“For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with His feathers. He will shelter you under His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”
Psalm 91:3-4
When I think of the promises of God for our protection and safety, I gladly rest under His wings
Reflections from Momo
Greetings from the west coast of Liberia a small country that has been in the midst of one crisis after the other. When I look at the many obstacles during the month under review, I am thankful to God for His grace and love. The love of God has been tangible in all we were doing, what a loving Father we have.
Frances left Liberia to go home for Ezekiel’s birth and Anna’s wedding before the COVID 19 spread into Liberia. It was a total relief for the team here that she had got home on one of the last scheduled flights that had left.
A BIG thank you
We say a big thank you to all our Board members, financial supporters and prayer warriors who have been praying for us. Special thanks to Rev Stephen and the Donegal Presbyterian Church for their support.
Reflections from Frances
I have to believe that in any chaos, any transition or upheaval in our life’s there is also the opportunity for change, for transformation if we can harness and navigate it. We are all in the middle of a global pandemic Covid 19 and let us be united in praying that Gods people will seek His face, repenting and asking God to heal our nations, 2 Chronicles 7:14. Let us pray that many will look to Him for the answers to the questions they have, for the peace He can give instead of fear and the comfort He can bring in the midst of suffering and grief.
I returned to Ireland just before the restrictions on travel, in time for the arrival of my beautiful grandson Ezekiel Mateo Magee born in the midst of our self-isolation. I praise God for His timing is always perfect.
It was a blessing to witness the impact The Koinonia Trust is having on our community in Monrovia. The spiritual growth I have witnessed in individuals, the improvement in the children’s school grades and the innovativeness of our team. I want to say thank you to Momo and the team as they fulfill the vision God has given to us. A big thank you goes to those who have supported the ministry through prayer, emotional, practical and financial support.
My journey this time was different and the best verse to sum it up is from John’s gospel, John 3:33 He must increase, but I must decrease. John knew that he was a steward and the time would come when he would slip off to the sidelines. This in itself is a challenging principle a reminder of the difference between a calling and a post or indeed being driven. For when we are called it is not too a post but to a person, the person of Jesus. Therefore when we have to let go, loose or give up some thing’s nothing changes. I am fulfilling a different role now one that is more focused on training and mentoring as I support Momo and the team. They have done extremely well and I am so thankful for them. God never ceases to stretch me. To challenge and teach me often peeling away another layer like an onion, humbling me in ways I could not imagine, too teach me His ways. Indeed it is not about our calling but about who we are becoming in the process.
A few years ago I read the following: What is success as God counts success, it is when others hear you but follow Jesus. It is when others see a quality in you that causes them to fall more in love with Him. Only when that happens and you feel like you’ve lost nothing in the process can you say Father I have done what you called me to do.
In these challenging days wherever we find ourselves in the world may we demonstrate our faith in action by acts of kindness and letting our light shine.
Update from Liberia
It was with a heavy heart the project has had to close its doors to the children and young people in March because of the Covid 19 virus. We had begun to make great strides in the community.
- Liberia is battling with the corona virus with confirmed cases. It continues to be under a state of emergency since March. In April they have been under curfew from 3pm.
- We have closed the study class due to the pandemic since March, at the point of closing we had over 90 children in attendance to our educational program.
- We were in the middle of forming The Koinonia Trust Football Club and had 30 teenagers coming for soccer practice three times a week. Before each coaching session they had a time of devotions led by our two class supervisors Reuben and Morris.

- 200 children attended a day were the gospel was presented and gifts were given out sponsored by Operation Christmas Child (Samaritans Purse) there will be a 12 week follow up of bible lessons once Liberia is clear of Covid 19

- We had the privilege of facilitating a training workshop for a community youth organization based in our community who volunteer. There was 30 in attendance and this training will continue once the restrictions are lifted.

- We have been working along with the community to establish a local leadership. We praise God in May there is now interim leaders. Momo is chairing a committee that is writing the constitution and Morris one of our class supervisors is acting secretary for the leaders.
Prayer points
- Prayer that God continues to protect the team on the ground
- Pray for all health workers engaged in the fight against COVID-19
- Pray that we be able to engage and conduct workshops with local people once the restrictions are lifted
- Pray for the provision of buckets and sanitation material for all those in the community
- Pray for financial support as several of our fundraising activities were put on hold due to the Covid 19 pandemic. It is going to be a crucial year for The Koinonia Trust in regards to funding
- Pray too for Frances in the uncertainty of her returning in September due to restrictions. That whatever the outcome, she will have peace and be content. If she is unable to return that Momo and the team have the grace and strength to continue with the work.