Donegal Presbyterian Church Diary Dates

Diary Dates

On this page you can check out all this month's Diary Dates, activities and special notices.

Find what events are happening and get them in you diary.

Get involved in our church life ~ Everyone Welcome.

Diary Dates What's On


2nd Session meeting at 8pm
6th Service taken by Cecil Given
10th “Gentle & Lowly” readers discussion in the manse at 7.30pm
11th Friendship group meet in the Church Hall at 10.30am
12th Senegal Talk and Tea in the Church rooms at 11.00am
13th Harvest Service taken by Rev McNie
17th Bible study in the upstairs blue room at 11.00am
19th Congregation get together in the manse at 11.00am
20th Service taken by Rev McNie
23rd Committee meeting in Church rooms at 8.00pm
24th Bible study in the upstairs blue room at 11.00am
25th Friendship group meet in the Church Hall at 10.30am
27th Service taken by Colin McKay
27th Harvest Service in Rathneeny Church at 7.30pm taken by Rev Robert Orr
31st Bible study in the upstairs blue room at 11.00am

For October:

All Plastic bottles with the R logo to be saved and brought to the Church for depositing, all proceeds go towards the Sunday School.

Shoe boxes to be covered & returned before 11th Oct

Anyone willing to decorate a window for the Donegal Harvest on the 13th Oct - Please see Pauline

Please bring non-perishable food gifts to both Harvest Services

Methodist Church Harvest weekend
Anyone who would like to contribute to a display can bring it to the Methodist Church on the 11th Oct

Forward Notices:

2nd Nov - Coffee afternoon run by the Sunday School in the Church Hall from 2pm to 4.00pm

30th Nov - Annual Church sale in the Bosco Centre starting at 2pm

Speakers for October

6th Cecil Given
13th Rev McNie
20th Rev McNie
27th Colin McKay

27th Rev R Orr - Rathneeny Harvest

Elder in Charge

Oswald Perry
Mobile 0872204760


Rev Robert Orr
Mobile 0044 7989390231

Welcome Team

Muriel Perry
Alison Wray


Pauline Perry