Donegal Presbyterian Church Diary Dates

On this page you can check out all this month's Diary Dates, activities and special notices.
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Get involved in our church life ~ Everyone Welcome.

1st March Prayer, fellowship & tea/coffee in the Church rooms at 11am when Adam talks about his upcoming outreach trip to Armenia
2nd Service taken by Karen Jardine
5th/6th No Bible study.
5th Service in C of I at 8.00pm - Ash Wednesday
9th Service taken by Colin McKay
11th “Gentle & Lowly” review at 7.30pm in the Manse
12th Bible study Parish rooms at 8pm
13th Bible study in Church rooms at 11.00am
14th Friendship group meet in the Church Hall at 10.30am
16th Service taken by Nathan Donnell
19th Church Committee meeting in Church rooms at 8.00pm
19th Bible study in Parish rooms at 8.00pm
20th Bible study in Church rooms at 11.00am
23rd Service taken by Bob McClughan
26th Bible study in Parish rooms at 8.00pm
27th Bible study in Church rooms at 11.00am
28th Friendship group meet in the Church Hall at 10.30am
30th Service taken by Colin McKay
Quiz sheets for Senegal in the porch at €2 each
For supporting the 400km cycle in Senegal the go fund page is:
Leaflets for CEF event on table in porch
Tea/Coffee will be available each Sunday after the Service for the speaker and all who are able to stay & enjoy fellowship.
Upcoming event in our premises
“Welcoming the Stranger” Organised by Neil Harrison Mission Development Officer Church House.
Saturday 5th April from 10am to 2pm
For all who want to hear how other Churches are welcoming new people into their midst.
Light lunch to be served – details later
Booking sheet will be in the porch - Cost €6 per person including lunch.
Across this island it is clear that communities are increasingly multi-cultural as people seek to make Ireland their home, having travelled here for all sorts of reasons.
The world truly is on our doorstep and many congregations in PCA are responding in creative and meaningful ways to welcome newcomers. Welcoming the Stranger will offer the opportunity to come together with others with a particular interest in this work to outline the importance of it from the Bible, share practice and stories from a variety of contexts across PCI and participate in a discussion around what might be helpful principles and practices for congregations seeking to be welcoming.
Speakers for March
2nd Karen Jardine Union college
9th Colin McKay Union college
16th Nathan Donnell Union college
23rd Bob McClughan Union college
30th Colin McKay Union college
Elder in Charge
David Perry
Mobile 0863194076
Rev Robert Orr
Mobile 0044 7989390231
Welcome Team
Muriel Perry & Alison Wray
Sarah Stinson