Donegal Presbyterian Church Diary Dates

Diary Dates

On this page you can check out all this month's Diary Dates, activities and special notices.

Find what events are happening and get them in you diary.

Get involved in our church life ~ Everyone Welcome.

Diary Dates What's On


2nd Service taken by Thomas Black student in Union College
6th Joint Bible study in the Church rooms at 11 am
9th Service taken by Peter MacMillan student in Union College
13th Joint Bible study in the Church rooms at 11 am
14th Friendship group meet in Church Hall at 10.30am
16th service taken by Bob McClughan student in Union College
20th Joint Bible study in the Church rooms at 11am
23rd Service taken by Peter Huey student in Union College
26th Session meets in the Ministers room with the Rev Orr at 8pm
27th Joint Bible study in the Church rooms at 11 am
28th Friendship group meet in the Church Hall at 10.30am

1st March - Prayer, Fellowship & Tea/Coffee in the Church rooms at 11am


Quiz sheets for Senegal in the porch at €2 each

For supporting the 400km cycle in Senegal the go fund page is:

The session would value feedback from those who have read or are reading “Gentle & Lowly” book
Are you interested in meeting to review what you have read?
Speak to Oswald or Pauline

Tea/Coffee will be available each Sunday after the Service for the speaker and all who are able to stay & enjoy fellowship.

Donegal Presbyterian Church Get Involved

The Session would like to thank everyone for serving in various ways last year and we continue to seek opportunities to serve during this New Year

Please pray as you consider the following:

Joining the Manse laundry team - See Pauline
Preparing the weekly PowerPoint announcements - See Oswald.
Sunday morning tea/coffee making - See David.

Speakers for February

2nd Thomas Black

9th Peter MacMillan

16th Bob McCluhan

23rd Peter Huey

Elder in Charge

Pauline Perry
Mobile: 0863759238


Rev Robert Orr
Mobile 0044 7989390231

Welcome Team

Paula Ryle & John Wray


Eileen McElhinney

Donegal Town Presbyterian Church Activities