Audio Sermon Archive 2019
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Living Faith: Where Worlds Collide
by Stephen Richmond - 7th July 2019
Studies in Daniel
Daniel is a gifted teenager trafficked with some of his friends to a foreign nation. Babylon is the most spectacular city on earth. The greatest education and opportunities that the world can provide are thrown at Daniel’s feet; but at what cost? As a worshiper of the one true God, Daniel now has to live his life in the midst of the multicultural worship of all kinds of gods. Should he bend or will he break? How can his childhood faith stand up against all the challenges that will come his way?
Daniel is not just a book full of wonderful children’s stories and strange visions. It is a book that provides lots of help for believes in 21st century Ireland. In an ever-changing, increasingly secular world Daniel provides wonderful insights for followers of Jesus. We often feel pressure as the world of faith and the world around clash against each other. Daniel can help us understand how we live faith where these worlds collide.
What Loves Looks Like
By Stephen Richmond - 7th April 2019
The Apostle John has his own unique take on Jesus’ last days in Jerusalem before and after his crucifixion. John highlights stories and angles that the other gospel writers don’t even mention. John is present at the Last Supper, he is present at the cross and he is with Jesus after resurrection. Against the big demonstration of God’s great love for the world John’s telling of the gospel helps us see some of the intimate and personal ways Jesus shows His love. As He dies Jesus shows us what love looks like.
Wrestling with 1 John
by Stephen Richmond - 6th January 2019
Basic gospel ideas like love and truth and new life can never be reduced to a few religious rules to be kept and applied simply. Through the incredible love of Jesus, people are brought to life. God’s children have their hearts changed their lives made new are called to live out that reality day by day. In that new reality John is wrestling with Jesus, the gospel, the devil, the world, false prophets, the church and himself. In this series we are wrestling with John’s letter so we can understand better how to live as Jesus’ children.