Frances Easter Message

Frances Easter Message

As we reflect in the cross coming up to Easter I am reminded of all the important lessons Jesus gave us.
It was not just about the amazing gift of salvation but it was so much more. These are some of the things God is teaching me

  1. Forgiving those who hurt us (as Jesus did as He hung dying)
  2. Reaching out to others even when we are suffering ourselves (as Jesus did to the criminal hanging beside Him) it is often when we reach out to others God ministers to our own heart.
  3. Taking care of those who depend on us (regardless of Jesus suffering He was not blind to Mary's need to be looked after. Jesus was always more concerned about others than His own needs.
  4. In difficult times direct the hard questions to God. Jesus poured out His heart as He felt abandoned by His Father. God is the one who can pour His healing balm into a breaking heart.. Even if we don't get the answer we want He always sends the answer that is in our best interest, so we can trust Him.

May God challenge us as we reflect on the cross this Easter, I know I will learn more.