Frances Message 20th April
Frances Message 20th April
Good morning,
It is hard to believe that in less than two weeks I will be home..
God has done so many wonderful things in such a short space of time and as I reflect on it all this morning several things come to mind..
God’s timing is always perfect
Psalm 31 verse 14 and 15 says
But I trust in you O Lord, I say You are my God My times are in your hands..
We often struggle and strife trying to accomplish things in our own strength, with our own timeframe in mind.. But often all it leads too is added stress and pressure in a life that is out of balance and sync with God..
Psalm 31 ends with this verse
Be strong and let your hearts take courage all you who wait for the Lord..
We are not good at waiting…
We live in a world that is now now!!
Here waiting is a part of everyday occurrence that at times for me is like an endurance test.. I have had to physically wait for hours at times.. Even slow my pace of walking, my talking, my cooking..
But in all this waiting did God not show up and do it anyway!!!!!!
In His time… Abundantly more than I could imagine…
So a big lesson is being learnt by myself….
Today as I again find myself waiting.. God gave me this verse..
Exodus 33 vs14
My presence shall go with you and I will give you rest..
As we wait… We have an opportunity to just simply lean in on God’s shoulder and rest in His arms…
To press the pause button and just BE in His presence